Occult medicine is a field that may encompass astrology, aura analysis, biorhythm, Christian Science, clairvoyant diagnosis, faith healing, Kirlian photography, medical graphology, mesmerism, palmistry, shamanism, TCM, and witchcraft. The purpose of occult medicine is to aid in healing.
In the Nineteenth-century magus Eliphas Levi observed: "The whole power of the occult physician is in the conscience of his will, while his whole art consists in exciting the faith of his patient. 'If you have faith,' says the Master, 'all things are possible to him who believes.' The subject must be dominated by expression, tone, gesture; confidence must be inspired by a fatherly manner, and cheerfulness stimulated by seasonable and sprightly talk.
Then there is Acupuncture and Oriental medicine (AOM) is an ancient and empirical system of medicine based on the concept of qi (pronounced "chee"), which is usually translated as energy. Oriental medicine includes the practice of Chinese herbology in addition to acupuncture. AOM treatments identify a pattern of energetic imbalance within a patient and redress that disharmony in a variety of ways that may include acupuncture needling, cupping, acupressure, exercises such a tai ji quan and qi gong, as well as Chinese herbal preparations. AOM is virtually free of the side effects that accompany many modern medical procedures. Moreover, as a relatively inexpensive form of treatment, it is especially appropriate for reducing healthcare costs. The success of acupuncture today is due to its efficacy, remarkable safety record, cost-effectiveness, and significant public demand.