In 1926, Annie Hale wrote the book, "These Cults".
Annie Hale responed to Morris Fishbein's 1925 The Medical Follies. It defended the medical "cults" from Fishbein's attacks. These included Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Naturopathy and others including the "electronic reactions of Abrams." Her chapter on Abrams covered pages 80-106 of Fishbein's book.
Her complaints about the AMA's attacks on Abrams such as Fishbein's book was that it was an a priori attack without investigating it (p. 81). Annie complained that Abrams was the "storm center of medical rancor and hate" (p. 84). As an example, she mentioned JAMA's review of Abrams' book "Spondylotherapy" that regarded as "a long sarcastic review... a gratuitous slap at its author"(p. 87).In Abrams' defense Annie said he was "one of the most educated men of his day" (p. 84).
"Scientific Monthly" wrote an article on quacks:
In there article they called Abrams a "queer freak".
The "Scientific American" conducted a test with E.R.A. diagnosticians. The results were published in a chart reprinted here (numbers are "ohmage" rates of disease).